Thursday, July 22, 2021

Misselwood Concours 2021

Sunday , July 18 started as a rainy day but eventually cleared enough to become a great day to attend the Concours d' Elegance. Misselwood is one of three juried Concours in New England. I entered my Heinkel Kabine in the microcar class. They also had a "woodie" class (wooden-bodied cars) for the first time so I was encouraged to bring along the Campi-style trailer that I tow behind my Heinkel Tourist 103-A2.

Heinkel Tourist with Trailer and Heinkel Kabine

Here's another angle of the trailer and scooter:

I found out my trailer was waterproof!

And I took second place in the Microcar category:

Getting the prize and handshake

The "roll-by"

And a video of me exiting the Concours with my scooter / trailer rig, courtesy of Matthew Nutter:

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